Squeezing Scottish drinkers until the pips squeak
Setting a minimum price of 45p a unit for alcohol in Scotland will cut alcohol-related deaths by 300 by year ten, according to the Scottish Government, basing its claims on the recent update of the University of Sheffield’s model-based appraisal of the policy.
That’s fine, but how will they tell? Alcohol-related deaths in Scotland have already fallen by nearly as many (228) since their peak in 2006, in the absence of any such policy. That’s 228 in four years (2006-10), not ten.
Why? Optimists would say that’s because consumption also fell over the same period, as measured by the Scottish Health Survey. As the Sheffield report itself acknowledges, the 2010 survey shows “a general reduction of alcohol consumption at the population level for all four modelled beverage types”, the proportion of harmful and hazardous drinkers is lower than in 2008 and the mean consumption has decreased for all drinker and gender subgroups, except for male harmful drinkers whose consumption has increased.
The report also acknowledges that alcohol-related deaths have fallen. For those that are 100 per cent alcohol attributable the fall is 3 per cent for acute and 12 per cent for chronic conditions, and there has also been a 6 per cent fall in deaths related to partially attributable chronic conditions such as liver disease and various cancers.
The obvious conclusion to draw would be that drinking has declined, and so have its undesirable consequences. But that isn’t the view of the Sheffield team, who question the health survey results in comparison with what they call the “gold standard” – alcohol consumption as measured by Neilsen, the information and measurement company.
The Neilsen data shows alcohol consumption flat or even slightly increasing since 2003, which implies not only that people misrepresent their consumption when answering the survey, but that their misrepresentations have been growing. In 2003 the survey showed the Scottish population consuming 13.87 units a week on average, 63 per cent of the Neilsen sales data that recorded consumption at 21.99 units a week. By 2010 the survey registered 11.58 units, only 51 per cent of Neilsen’s 22.72 units.
Doctors have long suspected – and usually assume – that their patients drink twice as much as they claim to. And under the pressure of media and public health attention on drinking, it’s quite plausible that respondents are progressively shaving more off their claimed consumption. A major reason for the discrepancy is that measures of spirit poured at home are typically two units rather than the one assumed by the survey.
(Incidentally, since studies of health damage are normally based on what people claim they drink, rather than what they actually drink, if you do stay within recommended limits you’re probably safer than you thought you were.)
The degree of under-reporting suggested in the Sheffield report is consistent with other research, including a report for Alcohol Concern produced in 2009 by a team at Liverpool John Moores University. On the other hand, data from HM Revenue and Customs does show a fall in total UK consumption of alcohol between 2008 and 2010 of 5.6 per cent (from 8.9 litres of pure alcohol per head in 2008 to 8.4 litres in 2010). That fall is roughly in line with the fall in Scottish alcohol-related deaths.
But if the Neilson data is right and drinking is steady or even rising, why are alcohol-related deaths falling? Better treatment of disease is one possible cause; so are public health and industry-led programmes aimed at reducing dangerous drinking. The Scottish Health Survey results for 2008 and 2010 show falls in the proportion of drinkers who drink at harmful or hazardous levels. In 2008, for example, 7.1 per cent of men fell into the harmful category, but in 2010 that had fallen to 5.0 per cent. (Of course, this could simply represent a growing reluctance to admit to excessive drinking.)
There’s no reason to doubt the general proposition that increasing prices, whether through taxes or by minimum price legislation, would cut consumption and reduce health damage. It would also, at 45p per unit, put £103 million per year into the hands of retailers, some of whom are held responsible for harmful drinking by their aggressive pricing policies, and take £10.4 m per year out of tax revenues because duty will decrease by more than VAT increases.
That £10.4 m is, by coincidence, exactly the same as was spent in Scotland in 2007-08 for preventative activities to discourage the abuse of both alcohol and drugs, according to Audit Scotland. The bulk of this money went on drug programmes. So the minimum pricing policy stands to lose considerably more tax revenue than was spent in total on the discouragement of excessive drinking by the Scottish Government as recently as 2007-08.
Should the policy become law - its legality is still in question, despite assurances by the Scottish Health Secretary Nicoal Sturgeon yesterday that it is compatible with EU law - it will be interesting to compare alcohol-related deaths in England with those in Scotland. That may be the only handle we will have on whether the policy is working as intended.
NHS Health Scotland have been in touch to point out that plans do exist to evaluate minimum pricing, should the policy become law. I have attached a word file that summarises the plans: more details are available here.
Max Cruickshank (not verified) wrote,
Thu, 09/02/2012 - 10:02
Delighted that yet again Straight Statistics have managed to help us through the smoke and mirrors that are being used by Nicola Sturgeon to try to use the SNP majority to bulldoze through her current obsessios - the minimum pricing of alcohol. She listens to nobody even when they are trying to assist her to reduce the harm from alcohol to us all. Here are some facts I sent to her this week.
Nicola you have been conned again by the drinks industry because they are already pricing the strongest, most popular youth drinks like Alcopops way above your proposed 45p per unit of alcohol. So by the time you get your minimum pricing of alcohol policy through parliament it will be useless. The drinks industry have already caught you out by pricing the three bottles of wine for a tenner at £3.33 each so retaining the same profit as before.
Here is an example. I visited a Tesco in Oban yesterday and found 38 different Alcopops on sale. One of them call Smirnoff Cola has 250 mls at 6.4% by volume. This equals 1.6 units which if sold at your minimum price of 45p per unit would cost 72 pence, I paid £1.85. which is £1.06 above your minimum price.
I also found Bacardi Superior Cola on sale in a can with 330 mls at 5% of alcohol by volume so 1.75 units of alcohol. At your 45p per unit they would cost 79p. They were selling at £2.06 which is £1.27 more than your mimimum price.
Incidentally if a woman had consumed these two cans which together amounted to 3.35 units of alcohol, they would have exceeded the goverment’s recommended consumption of 2-3 units a day for a woman.
Incidentally the figure that the drinks industry in Scotland alone will gain from minimum pricing is upwards of £130M a year at no extra cost to them. Money straight into the bank and no change in consumption.
I would also caution on what are the real facts about alcohol-related deaths because the method of recording this is badly flawed as the deaths do not include road traffic accidents where alcohol was involved, it does not include scuicide (reported to day as being the highest ever for young males) where alcohol is almost always involved, it does not include violence associated with alcohol. Strathclyde police reported that 75% of violent crime involved alcohol and especially Buckfast And finally it does not include deaths from other accidents where alcohol was involved such as falling off cliffs, into rivers or canals, or in front of a bus or train. Lies, damned lies and statistics-eh?
CL (not verified) wrote,
Thu, 09/02/2012 - 10:09
The Nielson data appear to be based on on-sales and off-sales and therefore does not directly reflect actual consumption. In particular, I don't think it includes illegal sales which may have declined as the gorvernment took steps to clamp down on these through e.g excise duty stamps:
This illegal market may also be influenced by proposed pricing mechanisms.
I agree that all sources have flaws in reporting and the Nielson data may be the best available, but it cannot be a perfect measure of consumption.
PW (not verified) wrote,
Mon, 13/02/2012 - 15:19
Max Cruickshank states there is an extra £130m a year that will go straight to the drinks industry which is incorrect. The retailers will keep the additional revenue as they will not pay more for the product. Under normal circumstances, the big supermarkets would be up in arms about anything that meant they were forced to sell less - in this case their silence is testimony to the fact they will be making substantially more profit by doing so.