
BMA poll tests the limits of credibility
In June 2009, the British Medical Association complained about the GP Patient Survey.

Modest savings from targeting the "workshy"
Workshy scroungers have cost the taxpayer £28 billion over the past decade, the Daily Express splashed on Monday.

Doing violence to crime statistics
The new Government promised a change: but in the way it is handling statistics, it has so far been a change for the worse.

Committing Hari-Kiri with a blunt statistic
Many people have pored over the election result, trying to suck meaning from its indeterminate outcome.

Cameron’s questionable cancer drug claims
Is David Cameron right to claim that people are dying because they cannot get access to cancer drugs?

As bad as Victorian times?
The Conservative Party’s election manifesto asserts: “The difference in male life expectancy between the richest and poorest areas in our country is now greater than during Victori

Improving public trust in statistics
How do the three major political parties plan to improve public trust in official statistics?