Percentagewise, it’s a common error
If a price doubles, is it 200 per cent higher? No, it’s 100 per cent higher.

Never let the facts put you off
The British media hasn’t picked up on the tale of Senator Jon Kyl (pictured) who during budget debates in the US Senate earlier this month about the healthcare provider Planned Parent

Disease clusters: chasing after shadows
Clusters of anything – suicides, birth defects, diseases – are a magnet to journalists.

Would the last thin American turn out the light?
Is obesity in the United States going up, down, or nowhere much at all?

Have a heart!
American cardiologists are aghast at the results of a survey of 1,933 people to measure how many matched all seven co

Searching for happiness around the bend
Is happiness U-shaped? Everywhere but in the US, it seems.

Much ado about New York abortions
Anti-abortion campaigners in New York have recently been shocked by the discovery that 41 per cent of pregnancies in the city end in terminations.