In the News
Fri 10th Dec 2010

Life expectancy falls in US
Life expectancy in the US dropped between 2007 and 2008, after years of steady increase.
Thu 5th Aug 2010

Cameras off, accidents up?
In today’s Times, David Aaronovitch (p 19) concludes that the demise of speed cameras will increase road casualties – a reasonable conclusion given academic evidence that, ev
Wed 26th May 2010

Blackpool Hoopla game exposed
Mon 22nd Feb 2010

Improving public trust in statistics
How do the three major political parties plan to improve public trust in official statistics?
Thu 18th Feb 2010

Party leaders urged to use statistics honestly
Play it straight, urges the President of the Royal Statistical Society in a letter to party leaders in advance of the election.
Fri 22nd Jan 2010

UK Data site launched
The new Government data site,, has opened for business.
Wed 20th Jan 2010

RSS President to become Chief Scientific Adviser at the Home Office
Tue 29th Dec 2009

No trust in crime statistics
Unnoticed in the pre-Christmas rush, the UK Statistics Authority has published a report on crime statistics.
Tue 8th Dec 2009

The big data giveaway
The Government is planning a big data giveaway in an attempt to encourage new ventures based on innovative ways of using it.
Wed 25th Nov 2009

GDP: no comfort for economists or Alistair Darling
Figures released today show that the UK economy was still in recession in the third quarter of 2009.