Changes to alcohol statistics promised
On Thursday the NHS Information Centre for health and social care will publish its annual compendium Alcohol in England. It will be here.
Nigel Hawkes :: Thu 7th Jun 2012
Sheila Bird :: Fri 1st Jun 2012
Peterborough Prison: can matching ride to the rescue of a non-randomized study?
Full Fact :: Fri 1st Jun 2012
Did Labour 'fix the figures' on unemployment while in office?
Nigel Hawkes :: Thu 31st May 2012
Nigel Hawkes :: Tue 15th May 2012
Full Fact :: Thu 10th May 2012
Heathrow queues report exposes need for better immigration data
Fri 10th Dec 2010
Thu 5th Aug 2010
Wed 26th May 2010
On Thursday the NHS Information Centre for health and social care will publish its annual compendium Alcohol in England. It will be here.
Many papers today ran a story about the number of GP consultations in Scotland that involved alcohol as a factor.
The King’s Fund has stepped in to help preserve a time series of public attitudes to health and the NHS which had been threatened by the Department of Health pulling the plug.<
Radio 4’s Today programme and at least two newspapers, the Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail, reported news earlier this week from the Institute of Psychiatry in London o
In June 2009, the British Medical Association complained about the GP Patient Survey.
American cardiologists are aghast at the results of a survey of 1,933 people to measure how many matched all seven co