
Childcare – the 19-minute myth
Today’s Daily Mail rediscovers an entertaining myth it first promulgated in 2006 – that mothers who work spend just 19 minutes a day with their children.

Do mothers’ mobiles beget badly-behaved babies?
To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, I never travel without my copy of the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

School sport: the scorer stands down
The annual survey that showed a fifth of British primary school children participating in circus skills is no more.

Fishing for significance
Fish and the oils it contains are supposed to be good for mothers-to-be and their children.

ADHD and genes: not so fast!
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disporder (ADHD) is a genetic disease, say today’s headlines. Is it?

How many children are murdered in Britain every year?
Sharon Shoesmith, Haringey’s former Director of Children’s Services last week gave evidence before the parliamentary Education Committee.