
Statistical interpreters: the wave of the future?
Here’s the good news. Among the relatively few human skills that a new book says will survive the onslaught of the computer is statistical insight.

Chancellor urged to think again about pre-release access
The prospect of retirement from the UK Statistics Authority (see previous post) does not seem to have diminished Sir Michal Scholar’s willingness to lock horns with ministers.

Detailing social research and statistics cuts
In 2008, the then-Government launched a research project called “Amplifying the voice of Muslim students”

Putting a spoke into spin
“Recession hits sandwiches at business meetings” was the headline on a press release issued yesterday by the office design company Maris Interiors.

More misplaced statistics on the Welsh language
The Welsh Language Board (which has made previous appearances here) is keen to promote the greater kn

Tracking cultural change in a blizzard of words
Have you ever wondered about the rising popularity of a word?