
Hold the front page: porn stars get STIs
Here’s a surprise: rates of sexually-transmitted diseases are high among performers in the adult film industry.

Misrepresenting rape yet again
“A woman is raped every ten minutes” says a press release from the Department of Health today.

How many birdies at the Ryder Cup?
The Ryder Cup in Wales is over without any evidence of the surge in sex-trafficking predicted by a Welsh Assembly report.

Love in a cold climate?
There’s going to be a baby boom next month, according to many newspapers – the Daily Mail, the Daily Express, the Daily Telegraph.

Hysteria on STIs is overdone
Sex sells papers, so today’s made hay with new figures for sexually-transmitted diseases. “Drunk ladettes fuel a boom in STIs” was the Daily Express headline.

Crying rape falsely: rare or common?
The founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, is claiming that a dirty tricks campaign lay behind the charges of rape and sexual assault laid against him by two Swedish women last week.

Sex survey hits a duff note
Our old friends at the PR agency 72 point, who carry out all those “surveys”