The Independent

Implausible claim on the benefits of BST
A bizarre claim in the letters page of The Independent today caught my eye.

Too quick to bury the high street?
Last week Ordnance Survey issued a press release about changes on the high street as a result of the recession.

Beware of lawyers bearing gifts
The Independent on Sunday (last Sunday) and The Times (today) have run identical stories saying that the number of contested wills is rising, blamin

Committing Hari-Kiri with a blunt statistic
Many people have pored over the election result, trying to suck meaning from its indeterminate outcome.

Please don't jump
The deputy chief executive of France Telecom has fallen on his sword – to use a totally inappropriate metaphor – in response to an “epidemic” of suicides among employees.

Perception of crime
Interesting article today in The Independent by Amol Rajan about why the perception of crime and its reality remain far apart. Crime falls, but the perception of crime doesn't.

Journalists to lose pre-release access to official statistics?
Journalists may have to face the ending of the system by which they get an early sight of official statistics, under embargo.