Good news: you’ll live to 100. Bad news: you’ll be skint
Everybody loves statistics about life expectancy and the ballooning number of centenarians, but is there a risk they could become too much of a good thing?

Does relationship education cut divorce?
Iain Duncan Smith, the Work and Pensions Secretary, has often cited Norway as an example of how relationship counselling can cut the divorce rate.

Looking forward to your 100th birthday?
Nearly 20 per cent of people alive today in the UK will reach their 100th birthday, the Department of Work and Pensio

Don't do it again, DWP told
The Department of Work and Pension has been rapped on the knuckles for “serious deficiencies” over statistical claims about the number of people who have never worked (

How the DWP bends the rules on statistical data
Ministers in the Department of Work and Pensions have devised a new and cunning way of spinning the statistics in order to make political points.

No mystery over unemployment, despite Yvette Cooper
When a minister calls an inquiry the day before key statistics are due to appear, smell a rat. Sniff even harder when the inquiry is leaked to a few journalists, and nothing appears on the departmental website.