
The points-based system of immigration: smoke and mirrors
According to Ed Balls, the last Government “brushed immigration under the carpet”, failing to acknowledge that it was an issue that worried Labour supporters.

Gordon Brown's dubious immigration claims
In Gordon Brown’s now infamous conversation with Gillian Duffy, the widow from Rochdale whom he described as “a sort of bigoted woman” he said: “A million people have c

Immigration: a debate crippled by a lack of accurate data
Immigration has emerged as one of the major themes of the election, and one of the few where there are clear dividing lines between the parties.

PM misrepresented immigration figures
You might have thought after the knife crime fiasco that No 10 Downing Street would have realised the danger of “mix and match” statistics.

Measuring Migration
THE bid to stregthen the UK's creaking system to measuring migration needs stronger management, says the Statistics Authority in a new report.