
Nigel Hawkes :: Mon, 01/11/2010 - 16:12

Building icon

Taking liberties with the “liberal gene”

Scientists find the gene that makes you a liberal, reported the Guardian, the Daily Mail, the Daily Telegraph, and the Daily Express last week.

Nigel Hawkes :: Thu, 30/09/2010 - 14:49

Pie Chart

ADHD and genes: not so fast!

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disporder (ADHD) is a genetic disease, say today’s headlines. Is it?

Nigel Hawkes :: Tue, 24/11/2009 - 16:31

Pie Chart

Nicking suspects for their DNA

People are being arrested simply so that their DNA profiles can be recorded on the national database, according to the Chairman of the Human Genetics Commission, Professor Jonathan Montgomery.