Behind the headlines: crime maps versus policing information?
Last week the National Police Improvement Agency (NPIA) published the results of a very large randomized controlled trial (RCT).
Nigel Hawkes :: Thu 7th Jun 2012
Sheila Bird :: Fri 1st Jun 2012
Peterborough Prison: can matching ride to the rescue of a non-randomized study?
Full Fact :: Fri 1st Jun 2012
Did Labour 'fix the figures' on unemployment while in office?
Nigel Hawkes :: Thu 31st May 2012
Nigel Hawkes :: Tue 15th May 2012
Full Fact :: Thu 10th May 2012
Heathrow queues report exposes need for better immigration data
Fri 10th Dec 2010
Thu 5th Aug 2010
Wed 26th May 2010
Last week the National Police Improvement Agency (NPIA) published the results of a very large randomized controlled trial (RCT).
Eight police forces yesterday launched six-month trials of "what works best" in logging calls and responding to complaints about anti-social behaviour.
In 1993, Conservative Home Secretary Michael Howard famously proclaimed “Prison works!” and built more prisons.
Too many clinical trials produce results that are statistically significant but clinically meaningless, according to two US cardiologists.
Gloomy winter days beget a gloomy mood in many people. But the Meteorological Office has an answer.
When a British soldier dies in Afghanistan, we know within days the sex, age and region of residence of the fatality, together with the immediate cause of death. How different it is for swine flu.