
Funny money and student visas
Will changes in the student visa system really cost the economy £3.6 billion over four years, as The Guardian, The Times, The Independent and the BBC report?

Oxbridge in the doghouse again
The Prime Minister and his deputy have got themselves into deep water by repeating claims about the admissions policy at Oxford University.

BBC nonsense on student loans
There is a spectacularly silly story on the BBC today.&nbs

Do Scottish universities exclude the poor?
Scotland should do more to encourage people from poorer backgrounds to go to university, according to the National Union of Students Scotland (NUSS).

Questionable claims on graduate pay
Reports by national newspaper education editors have suggested that the average starting salary for new graduates is £25,000 a year– or even £29,000, if you&rsquo

Racist or meritocratic? Oxbridge maligned
David Lammy MP claims to have extracted some interesting information about the admission of black students to Oxford and Cambridge through freedom of information requests.

Burying the bad news about SATs
The Sutton Trust has long backed the use of additional tests, such as US-style Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SATs), as a means of assessing students for university places.

The curious case of the missing graduates
The latest figures from the OECD on graduation rates across the developed world show that, relatively, the UK’s position is deteriorating.

Gove vs Balls: seconds out!
Statisticians have rushed hither and yon to umpire the row between Michael Gove and Ed Balls in the Commons over whether – as Mr Gove claimed – only 45 of the 80,000 children