Financial Times

Granola hits the fan
The healthy food brand Nature Valley got some flak for its wraparound ad for its granola bar in Metro last month.

Crying over spilt crude
Last week a sharp fall in oil prices caught some commodity traders on the hop.The hedge fund Clive Capital lost $400 million in a day after Brent crude dropped in price by $16 a barr

Too quick to bury the high street?
Last week Ordnance Survey issued a press release about changes on the high street as a result of the recession.

Turning a blind eye to the birth rate
Statistics are supposed to inform debate, and guide policy. That’s why we collect them.

Putting an inflated foot in it
A very interesting article in yesterday’s Financial Times by its Economics Editor, Chris Giles, shed

Baby boomers built the economic bubble
The generation born in the wake of World War II is getting the blame for the economic mess we’re in.

Official Statistics: are the old cannier, or just more cynical?
In December the Financial Times published a Harris survey of the public's confidence in national statistics across five European countries and the USA.

Cod Statistics
Here’s a pretty graphic from the Financial Times Weekend Magazine (page 14, June 6/7 2009) illustrating the decline in the spawning stocks of cod between 1966 and 2006. It looks good, but it’s an example of one of the oldest tricks in the graphic artist’s handbook: how to make a comparison between sets of figures look far more impressive.