An avalanche of learning disabilities?
On March 25, The Times published an article headlined “Schools struggle with attention disorder ‘avalanche’”.

Turning a blind eye to the birth rate
Statistics are supposed to inform debate, and guide policy. That’s why we collect them.

Class sizes: a key pledge unmet
One issue in this election seems to hark back to 1997: school class sizes. Then it was one of Labour’s key manifesto pledges to cut class sizes to less than 30 for all five, six and

Speaking with difficulty
More than one in five boys and one in seven girls have difficulty in learning to talk, according to research released last week by Jean Gross, England’s “Communications Champion&r

New report rewrites the obesity trends - or does it?
Obesity trends in children are levelling off, says the National Heart Forum in a new report. Hooray, we’re not going to be quite as fat in 2020 as we thought we were.

Roll up, Roll up, the circus is in town
Sometimes statistics appear which leave you gasping. So it was when I read the news that 18 per cent of schools now offer “circus skills” as a school sport.

Child Safety: between a rock and a hard place
Ed Balls, the children’s secretary, has said that parents who look after each other’s children will not have to undergo criminal record checks and take childcare courses to make their arrangements legal.

Sats tests give a false impression of educational progress
One in ten white boys is leaving school with fewer than five GCSEs, the benchmark for basic secondary school education, according to figures released by the Department for Children, Schools and Families in response to a Freedom of Information request.

Safeguarding a sinking ship
Are there really 11.3 million adults in the UK who could pose a risk to children?